Make Every School Gathering Special with Great Sound
School auditoriums are special places. They host school meetings, events, plays, band recitals, presentations, parent days, and so much more. What’s worse than someone missing their cue in the school play? Bad sound. Microphones with screechy feedback, echoes, and an inability to hear in the back of the auditorium are sure ways to lose the audience. Don’t let this happen in your Town and Country, MO, school. Here are some ways you can amp up your auditorium sound system so it’s ready for any gathering.
TAGS: Audio-Video Installation | Commercial Sound System
on Friday, 24 September 2021.
Posted in Auditorium Sound System , Auditorium Sound System Town and Country, MO
As In-person Services Return, Make Sure Everyone is Tuned In
This past year has been a challenging one for congregations and churches. Houses of worship are more than just places to practice a religion; they are a critical part of the social fabric of a community. While many churches adapted by using audio and video technology to extend their reach beyond the building walls, technology cannot match physical social experiences. Fortunately, as things are getting back to normal, in-person worship and many other activities are returning.
As congregations return to in-person services and events, it's a good opportunity to reexamine how to get them fully reengaged. One way to do that is to upgrade your auditorium sound system to make sure everyone is involved and energized. Explore three reasons below why now is an excellent time to reevaluate your church’s audio system in St. Charles, MO.
TAGS: Commercial Automation | Commercial Sound System
on Friday, 25 June 2021.
Posted in Auditorium Sound System , Auditorium Sound System – St. Charles, MO