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What about Lighting Design for Your New Home?

Why Residential Lighting Design Matters in new Construction and Remodeling Projects

What about Lighting Design for Your New Home?

Have you ever wondered what lighting can do for you? Not the kind that is standard in most homes, but the one that illuminates every space in a beautiful way. At Elite Technology Solutions residential lighting design plays a critical role in all our projects across St. Louis, MO. From safety and convenience to energy and climate control, a well-designed lighting system will make your smart home both brighter and smarter! 

Read on to learn why planning ahead is an essential aspect of lighting design, especially in the early stages of both new construction and remodeling projects. 

SEE ALSO: The 5 Must-Have Automation Features for Today’s Smart Homes

Redefining the Basics

Proper lighting is essential for any activity taking place at home. From cooking to brushing your teeth to watching movies in your home theater, everyone needs light to see what they are doing. Planning ahead of time where each fixture and lighting control feature will go allows architects to design a lighting system perfect for every space. It also allows contractors to set up circuits efficiently. 

Lighting design plays a significant role in enhancing the aesthetic value of a space. Carefully planned lighting can highlight the design features of any room and even influence how we experience a space, depending on the hues and temperatures of light. 

From Convenience to Safety

Potential security and safety concerns also play a role when designing your home’s lighting system. Every room must be well-lit to avoid potential accidents but remain open to multiple lighting configurations, so the space is versatile in the future. Outside, lighting should be designed and integrated with surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and alarms. Why? So next time there is someone near the front yard, the lights will turn on to either deter an intruder or encourage a delivery driver to walk to the front door. 

Get Ready to Set the Mood

Are you considering tunable LED light fixtures as part of your lighting design? Engineered to finetune your body’s circadian rhythms, tunable white lights offer a wide range of hues and temperatures to set the mood in any room. We can install them in the office space to help you be more productive during the day and in the bedrooms to optimize your sleep cycle. 

Energy Savings Everywhere

Lighting design contributes to both climate control and energy efficiency, especially when lights are automated and integrated with your home technology systems. Even in a new construction project, considering automation platforms like Crestron should take place from the start. 

When performance and efficiency matter, so does lighting design. Contact us, and together we can shed a whole new light in your smart home! 
